On Tuesday, Gavin turned 4. I was full of excitement for his day & feeling a little said that another year has come and gone. It was an amazing year. He has grown so much this year. His philosophies on life make me laugh. The information he has stored in his head never cease to amaze me. Watching him become a big brother again fills me with pride. He is so protective of his siblings.
His birthday started with lots of birthday hugs. I brought pizza to his daycare, so they could have a pizza party. I rushed home before heading to work to decorate for our family party, complete with super hero balloons. He requested Spiderman mac & cheese for his dinner, but Kraft no longer makes this variety, so we settled on the Toy Story version. Side Note: River would not eat the Buzz or Woody shaped noodles. It was fun watching the excitement on his face as he opened his present from mommy & daddy - VTech camera. He took about 100 photos before bed time. He built with is dad his Trio block Siege Tower, which his brother & sister gave him. We ended his night with an extra special treat - ice cream from Kerber's Dairy. I think it was a great birthday, though he can hardly contain himself, waiting for his big party day!
In the spirit of my post for River, enjoy my little letter to Gavin & some pics of him growing up...
Gavin - my little space cadet...
Your Grandma Tost used to call your dad that and you are very much like your dad. You have a great imagination. You like to draw. This year you drew my favorite family portrait. You like to solve puzzles and are very inquisitive. You love to go on discovery hikes. Some may say that you are a slow walker, but I say you are just taking in all the details. I love watching you play chase with your brother & listening to your little giggle. I love how you stick up for River when he has gotten himself in trouble. I don't understand, but think it is cute when you say you have to go potty, but on the way to the bathroom you get distracted and I have to remind you where you were going. Oh, my little space cadet. I love when you give your baby sister a kiss on the head. I was so proud of you when you spelled Stop for the very first time and even prouder you came up to on the desk, grabbed a pencil, wrote S-T-O-P, and said "Mommy, I just wrote stop!" I love it when you sing your favorite Weezer songs. I especially love when you spontaneously come up to me, give me a hug and kiss and say "I love you, mama." I treasure these moments always.
Here are some things to remember from your year:
- Your favorite color is black
- Your favorite PBS show is Superwhy
- Your favorite sandwich is PB&J
- You like Star Wars, Spiderman, X-men, Scooby Doo
- You like building with you click it blocks (Trios)
- You went to see "How to Train Your Dragon" and "Toy Story 3" at the movie theater
- Your favorite songs are "Partying", "Troublemaker", and "Keep Fishing" by Weezer
- You love listening to Daddy make up stories at bedtime
I love you Gavin, as high as the sky and as deep of the ocean...
Happy 4th Birthday!
4 years old!